Our corporate values The drive to create useful things: It's in our DNA.

Our vision is to to be the partner of first choice for the global appliance industry. We achieve this with our pioneering spirit, our solution- and user-oriented approach and our curiosity for new things. Added to this is our knowledge of the market and of our customers and users - we know their needs!

We work together with everyone as equal partners. The E.G.O.- Group also stands for other values such as openness, reliability and excellence.

E.G.O. – Our Way.

Under the symbol “E.G.O. - our way” we summarize the important statements. This symbol defines the common direction and serves as a guide for all employees. They can actively shape it according to their functions and responsibilities.

Below you will find a summary of the contents of “E.G.O. – our path” on one page, along with our film about the E.G.O. statements.

Download E.G.O. Statements
E.G.O. – Our Way. Let's go together!

Our company guidelines - a further compass for your workday.

FORCUSTOMERS We are at the service of our customers.

We can only meet our customers' needs in a targeted and market-oriented manner if we are aware of them.   To achieve this, we must be a reliable supplier and the first point of contact for our customers - for all concerns, wishes, and ideas. We can only be successful by working together with our customers. That is why our focus is completely on you – ForCustomers.

FORGROWTH We have successful ideas for tomorrow.

Without technical progress, we will not develop further. Without further development, we will not continue to grow. Making people's daily lives easier with beneficial products is the driving force and incentive for our pioneering spirit and wealth of ideas. Coupled with environmentally friendly and energy-efficient technologies and high-quality products that are needs-oriented, we ensure the growth of the E.G.O.-Group. That is why we must not ignore any of these parameters in our evaluation and consideration - ForGrowth.

FORSUCCESS We are economically successful.

We can only finance our strategic plans and our growth from our own resources through economically successful, entrepreneurial action. Being economically healthy is an essential prerequisite for remaining independent. The company will only be able to invest in the future if it generates revenue today. That is why we avoid waste and act as if E.G.O. were our company. Our actions are always profit- and benefit-oriented, so we make sure that E.G.O. is doing well, because then we are doing well - ForSuccess.

FORQUALITY We deliver quality. Always!

The best quality is a matter of course for our customers and us. To maintain this high standard of quality, we do our work correctly right from the start. We are not afraid to point out errors or defects internally to find the best solutions together. We see zero ppm as a driving force for continuous improvement. The focus is not on the internal justification of a problem, but on its solution. This is why we continuously ask ourselves where we can improve and are only satisfied with the best result - ForQuality.

FORCHANGE We are willing to change and will shape the change.

We see change as an opportunity for permanent improvement and, therefore, actively and consciously encourage growth. We are open to new ideas. We use them and apply the best of them to products, processes, or content. We are willing to learn and implement necessary changes independently and quickly. Today we want to be better than yesterday; tomorrow, we want to be better than today! That's why we have an open and trusting environment that promotes change and enables us to change - ForChange.

FOREMPLOYEES We represent the best of E.G.O.

Our company thrives thanks to committed employees who communicate openly and without hierarchy. We learn with and from each other and exchange information. The managers are role models who ensure respectful and fair treatment of each other, and promote and challenge each individual according to their abilities. That is why we all stand together, pursue the same goals, and support each other – ForEmployees.

FOROPENMINDEDNESS We think and act without national or cultural borders.

As an international company, we are present worldwide and understand different cultures and needs as enrichment and an opportunity. Tolerance, openness, and curiosity towards other customs and traditions make us one big community. We adapt to cultural conditions - always based on our values and our corporate culture. That is why we think globally, manage regionally, and act locally - ForOpenMindedness.

FORNEEDS We create and maintain values.

We regularly and carefully analyze the market, our competitors, and our customers and then implement our specifications and concepts accordingly - with foresight, speed, and care. We are proud of our E.G.O. brand and use it within the limits of the corporate design. We see new technology as an opportunity to improve the exchange of information and communicate even better. That's why we continuously adapt our marketing and communication to new needs - ForNeeds.

FORSUSTAINABILITY We are aware of our ecological, economic, and social responsibilities.

For us, sustainability means achieving a balance between economic, environmental, and social aspects. Starting with the development of products and the definition of processes, we pay attention to environmentally friendly and energy-saving concepts that are economically sensible and beneficial. This way we work sustainably and continuously improve ourselves. That's why we pay attention to our surroundings and the environment - ForSustainability.

FORUS We assume responsibility for the entire company.

We are aware of the obligation to question and improve our behavior and actions every day. We keep our promises and feel responsible for our work. Rigid departmental thinking is foreign to us. We are not in competition with other sites, divisions, or persons. Everyone in the E.G.O. family does their part to help us move forward together. We do not just discuss problems with one another; we resolve them together. That's why we are all responsible for the development of our company – ForUS.


Responsible innovations

For us, working sustainably means: combining environmental protection, economic efficiency, and social responsibility. Because we can only be successful tomorrow if we deal responsibly with people and nature today. That is why we pay attention to environmentally friendly and energy-saving concepts as early as the development stage - concepts that are both economically sensible and beneficial. 

Would you like to learn more? The sustainability report of BLANC & FISCHER Family Holding shows how the entire corporate family consistently implements the topic.

view digital sustainability report

Responsibility We don't just talk about responsibility, we also actively take it.

History Common thread in our history: Pioneering spirit.

Careers at E.G.O. Take your future into your own hands.

Sites Working worldwide to benefit you.